Educational Videos

These videos are provided for a quick overview. It is recommended and expected that the User Manual for your product be utilized.

ARCS 2020 ECG Educational Videos

1) Intro; About, System, Q Toolbar, Preset, Receive
2) Patient Directory, Analyze
3) Templates
4) Afib
5) Events, Strips
6) Conclusion, Report
7) R-R, Lorenz, Demix

ARCS 2020 ABP Instructional Videos

1) Intro, About, System, Q-Toolbar, Preset, Receive
2) Patient, List
3) Statistics, ABP Trends, BPV, Plot
4) Conclusion, Report

ECG Holter and ABP Monitor Educational Videos

ECG Holter Model 1307-8
ABP Model 1806
Combined ECG and ABP Monitor Model 2301-02

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